Oklahoma City is a modern city of more than 1.2 million people and continues to grow everyday. It is estimated that Oklahoma City will reach 2 million people by 2040. People that live and work in OKC get to enjoy culturally-rich experiences, outdoor adventures, the NBA, music venues, and a large variety of restaurants and craft breweries. Oklahoma City has a strong entrepreneurial culture, a diverse and growing workforce, and a thriving economy.
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quality of life in Oklahoma City, visit:
Oklahoma City invests in its own success and future growth with investment in transformational metro area projects totaling nearly five billion dollars. The City’s commitment to growth is evident in programs like Priority Enterprise Zoning, The New Tourism Development Act, Core-to-Shore Reinvestment Act, and Strategic Investment Programs. These City incentives are in addition to Oklahoma state incentives, such as the Oklahoma Quality Jobs program and Investment and New Job Tax Credits.
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business-friendly attitude of Oklahoma City, visit:
Downtown Oklahoma City is made up of distinguishable Districts with unique features and character. The relocation of Interstate 40 has created potential for growth in Oklahoma City’s Central Business District. This growth is fueled by Oklahoma City’s Core to Shore redevelopment initiative and Opportunity Zone investment. Strawberry Fields is a 50-acre mixed-use development located in the Central Business District adjacent to Myriad Gardens, Scissortail Park, Omni Hotel, and Convention Center. Strawberry Fields is connected to all of Oklahoma City’s amenities via the Downtown Streetcar.